A brief overview of the exhibitions, projects and events that have taken place in or around the A & O Gallery.
Performances/video-installations in the studio roof Hobrechtstrasse
“Danke” (Tank you notes) undercover activities, mailings
Performances, live/ video performances with W.Odin, André Werner, Xesa Li
Opening of the A&O exhibition space, Graefestrasse, Berlin
“just to see the rooms” 11.8., preview-party
“In Augenhöhe” 18.8.-3.9., color-slide- and video-installations André Werner, lecture C. Reif
“Verpackt” painting,installation 9/89, W. Odin
“art quake!” 26.-29.10, videos by K.Bach, Pure Chance Productions and André Werner
Vortrag C.Reif
“Strichliste” 10.11.-24.11, Stotterberichte by W.Odin, paintings, performance
“Picture this” 30.11.-16.12., polaroidmontages by André Werner
“AUGENFUTTER /BILDERFRESSER” a love affaire between art and video, video program on the occasion of the 40th Berlinale in cooperation with the video gallery Mike Steiner featuring video art pioneers 74-77 and recent works, TV-features,live video mixes.
“ditze” 9.3.-30.3., sculptures and round assemblages by D. Lücking
“art ( not art )” alternating slide and video installations/presentations at the Calypso Club.
“blue faces” 8/90, Fotografien by Hucky Porzner at the Calypso Club.
“12V Pure Chance Productions” 6.-8.4., objects by Cosima Reif, PCP Hamburg, lecture.
“Prozess” 27.4.-6.5., performance and installation by W. Odin
“Portraits” 3.-26.8., new works by André Werner
“Eine Stirnschau” Berlin portraits, 6.-14.10, paintings by Jonathan Blum
“AUGENFUTTER /BILDERFRESSER II” 30. 11. -15. 12., video program in cooperation with the video gallery Mike Steiner featuring Internationale video artists 79 -82, recent works, installations, live video mixes.
“Wasserwerk” video installation by Nicola Schröder and Kristin Bergaust, 30. 11. -3. 12..
“polarstrips” 4. 12. -15. 12. photo installation by Mike Steiner.
“Augenfutter” television feature as part of the “Die Videogalerie”, broadcasted 3. 11. and 7. 12..
Break and relocation
“scratch attack” a live media session between music and video performed by art quake! and 4 art, 29. 11., event at Studio bildende Kunst
Since 1989 exhibition documentations, production of artist videos. Cooperations with art quake!, PCP Hamburg, Galerie Treptow, Calypso, die Videogalerie, Designhaus e. V. a.o.
“Coup d´óeils”
video installations/screenings and lectures in the context of a solo exhibition at Galerie Treptow, with, among others, Cosima Reif, André Werner, Mike Steiner, and PCP Hamburg.
4.3.-3.4. ´92
“Das Ding und der Raum”
Group exhibition of space related works, installations and objects at A&O in the Designhaus, Petersburger Platz with Carol Bethke, Helmut Lemke, Veronika Radulovic, Katja Reichard, Cosima Reif, Marc Schepers, Nicola Schröder, Brian Reffin Smith, Susanne Specht, Mike Steiner and André Werner.
30.4.- 17.5.´92
Über Phonismen zu “I & II”
Work in Progress. Helmut Lemke: sound installationen
Veronika Radulovic: Image staging
4.6. – 14.6. ´92
“Hommage an Herschel”
A tribute to the inventor of fixing salt by Martin Zitzlaff and Michael Wiesehöfer. With works by classic photographers.
27. 8. ´92
“Walking the Dog”
Installation by Ati Maier, in cooperation with Galerie Cardoso- Ribeiro
12. -23. 9. ´92
Videoart from Norway. Dedicated screening at Filmkunsthaus Babylon, Mitte
29. 9. ´92
“Die bezaubernde Frau Reif und Ihre dressierten Fernseher”
Multimedia lecture at Studio für Bildende Kunst Treptow
2. 10. ´92
Thematic group exhibition with sculptures, video and installations at the Institut für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft (Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management) at the TU Berlin. Artists: Kristin Bergaust, Nicola Schröder, Reinhard Haverkamp, André Werner, Susanne Specht, York der Knöfel, Mike Steiner, Cosima Reif, Thomas de Groot und Norbert Beyer.
A catalog was published to accompany the exhibition.
9. -11. 10. ´92
“liquid light”
Video works related to water at Filmkunsthaus Babylon, Mitte.
Artists: BKH Gutmann, Nicola Schröder, André Werner, Mike Steiner, Cosima Reif, Garry Hill, Kjell Bjorgeengen.
13. 10. ´92
“Turbulenzen II”
Follow-up exhibition and presentation of the catalog in the exhibition rooms at the Petersburger Platz
4. -7. 6. ´93
“Video, dieses obskure Objekt der Begierde”
Four theme evenings about current tendencies in video art, together with Longest F. Stein.
23. 7. -6. 8. ´93
Installation by Juliane Heise and Michael Vorfeld.
17. -19. 9. ´93
“Gelb Q”
Photo installations by Hans Matin Sewcz
13. – 29. 11. ´93
“Reiseberichte aus der Beliebigkeit”
3-volume publication in a handy slipcase with travelogues by some of the gallery’s most prominent artists.
Accompanying exhibitions at Petersburger Platz and Galerie Frank Hänel.
14. 4. -6. 5. ´94
“Schlafende Japaner”
Sleepy and Japanese observations in everyday life, a slide show by Cosima Reif at the Studio für bildende Kunst, Treptow.
23. 4. ´94
“Das Ende der Reisen”
Installations, paintings, video, performance and Multimedia by: Christa Biedermann, Juliane Heise, Michael Vorfeld, Yang Jun, Rolf König, Helmut Lemke, Cosima Reif, Johannes Schmidt-Sistermanns, Nicola Schröder, Marianne Stark, André Werner.
30. 7. ´94
“fighting the universal Spider”
New Art from Southeast Asia. With this exhibition series, we introduced artists in 1995 whose work was highly controversial in their home countries and virtually unknown in Berlin until then. The series, conceived in collaboration with Artist village, substation Singapore and concrete house, Bangkok, was not only intended to present new artistic works, but also to clarify the extent to which they remain comprehensible outside their geographical context. A&O accompanied the exhibitions with talks, lectures and video evenings, showed documentations of performances in Singapore as well as the state reactions (exhibition bans, detention…), and suggested joint projects with Berlin artists.
little tigers, art from Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand pt. I
Artists: Lan Gen Bah, Vincent Leow, Jason Lim, Amanda Heng, Chu Chu Yuan, Suzann Victor, Liew Kung Yu , Chumpon Apisuk
22, 6, – 6, 7, 1995
“dilating pupils”
little tigers, art from Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand pt. II
Artists: Chumpon Apisuk, Amanda Heng, Chuz Chu Yuan, Suzann Victor und Liew Dung Yu
3. 8. – 17.8. ´95
“Hotel Mittelmeer/ TV Mediterranea”
In cooperation with art quake! e.V., a video installation about television in the Mediterranean region was created as part of the exhibition “The Treasures of the Alhambra”.
The installation was shown in December 1995/ January 1996 in the foyer of the House of World Cultures.
Accompanying the exhibition, the book “Hotel Mittelmeer” was produced in our house.
Beteiligte Künstler: Raoul Schrott, Cosima Reif , Tobias Saalfeld, Ania Rudolph, André Werner
18. 2. 96 – 28. 1. 97
The comprehensive publication on the history of GDR photography in the 1980s was supported organizationally and conceptually by A & O and art quake!e.V..
The book was published at the end of 1995 by Kunstförderverein Treptow e.V. and presented at Studio Bildende Kunst.
“Raum und der Raum“
What interrelationships exist between three-dimensional spaces, their two-dimensional unwindings and their virtual extensions, how do artists use these fields of tension, do new forms of image making emerge that dissolve the medial separation of image and installation, object and image?
With this approach we opened the `96 exhibition series with the group exhibition “Raum und der Raum“
Artists: Marion Gülzow, Pol Mahlow, Cosima Reif, Joachim Seinfeld, Olliver Störmer,André Werner, Martin Zeller.
Subsequently, a series of solo exhibitions and accompanying events deepened the theme:
“Vor lauter Bäumen“
Marion Gülzow
31.5. – 15. 6. 96
Installations, objects, photography
Lecture: Corinna Weidner
Klaus Elle
1.8. – 14.8. 96
11.8. Artistic process accompaniment, conversation, campfire and lecture by Klaus Elle
“Nach dem Raum“
Joachim Kreinsiek, Martin Zeller
5.9. – 28.9. 96
Paintings, photography
“Mutti Natur“
Michael Brendel, Stefan Streich
10.10. – 26.11 96 Organ layout by Michael Brendel,Tonwerk by Stefan Streich
10.10. On this evening will play Frank Fiedler and Stefan Streich
“Der Rand der Sprache“
Artists who explicitly work with language visually redefine words, who use shifts “at the edge of language” (R. Bartes) as triggers and make them visible, opened our program in 1997. Participating artists: Kurt Buchwald, Carla Degenhardt, Marion Gülzow,Adam Nakervis, Herr Pentschuck, Dorothee von Rechenberg, Stefan Streich.
Language as language, communication catastrophes and autopoetic self-runners as carriers of the absurd, were then the subject of the “language pieces” that were developed, tested and performed in our rooms under the direction of Beatrix Günther with Stefan Streich, Frank Fiedler and others.
4.9. – 18.9.97
A group exhibition about the fleetingness of perception, blurred boundaries, light and dark presented works of the following artists: Klaus Eisenlohr, Katrin Glanz, Juliane Heise, Constantin Jaxy, Patricia Pisani, Nicola Schröder, Joachim Seinfeld, Michael Vorfeld.
“Still in motion”
Exchange project with artists from Warsaw
Project direction A & O /art quake! e.V.
“Rauchen in New York/smoking in NY”
A film production in cooperation with the artist project “pure Chance produktionen” addressed the inability of people to calmly deal with death at the beginning of 1998.
Shot and produced in Berlin, the result was an approx.9min. short film
Participating artists: Cosima Reif, Edward Scheuzger, Octavian Trautmannsgott, a.o.
“Over the Mountain”
was the title of the German premiere of the video “Ost-wechsel” by Otto Jekel and Stephan Kabatsch.
Concert and lecture completed the program
Other participating artists: Sphinx/Natascha Brandauer, Cosima Reif