The colonial gaze, perpetuated by a euro-centric concept of the world of Europe representing science, culture, and religion versus the wild, uncontrollable and uneducated world of the colonies, has had a far-reaching and lasting effect on how we perceive and interact with the world around us. This distinction between the civilized and uncivilized has created an unequal dialogue between cultures, preventing the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and denying the value of the experiences of those who have been colonized. Today, a similar separation is emerging between humans and AI. We often see AI as lacking any emotional or creative capacity, and view humans as superior. However, this distinction carries the same damaging implications as the colonial gaze, and prevents us from engaging in a meaningful dialogue with AI.
The project “Decolonizing the Future” seeks to challenge this distinction and explore new ways to interact with AI by artistic means. Our project promotes a better understanding of AI by not repeating the history of colonialism, and its ultimate goal is to open up a dialogue between participants and the public about the implications of AI and its potential to disrupt the colonial narrative of control and subjugation. We will invite experienced and emerging artists to participate in the workshops, create artworks for the platform, and collaborate with experts and activists to create interactive experiences for the public events. Through these initiatives, we will explore the history of colonialism, its effect on current AI technology, and how to create new forms of ethical AI.
“Decolonizing the Future” will provide a platform for people to engage with the artworks, essays, and stories created during the workshops and public events. People will be able to attend talks, panels, and workshops to gain an understanding of the history of colonialism and how it has shaped our current understanding of AI .
Through this project, we seek to create a space for meaningful dialogue, exchange of ideas and knowledge, and the acknowledgement of the experiences of those who have been colonized. Ultimately, our goal is to open up a dialogue about AI, its implications, and our collective responsibility.